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The Role of Leadership in Creating a Learning Organization

A learning organization is an establishment that facilitates the process of educating the members who want to expand their knowledge capacity and attain significant results. A leader should not only perform the functions of management but also launch, improve, and develop the principles of the learning organization. The role of…

Impact of Leadership Principles on Criminal Justice Organizations

Leadership represents the capability to set confidence and provide people with support necessary for the achievement of particular goals. Leadership is a powerful factor in the development of innovative technologies and projects. Leadership principles promoted the development of humanity in all spheres of its activity, including criminal justice (Karimu, 2012).…

The Distinction between Leadership and Management

Leadership and management are falsely understood as similar concepts, although they have some common features. Nonetheless, the former is more about the ability of an individual to make others follow his or her ideas and strategies, whereas the latter is more about controlling and allocating tasks, scheduling, monitoring performance, and…

Different Leadership Styles: Eastern and Western

In business sphere, leadership is an ability to influence a group of people and everyone particularly as well as encourage them to work effectively for the success of a company and achievement of its goals. It is a vital element of all areas of the professional activity of a manager…

Leadership Qualities and Challenges in Gandhi Film

The film “Gandhi” portrays the life of an Indian leader Gandhi, who is known for non-violent movement for the deliberation of the state of India from British colonials. The film traces the involvement of Gandhi in the socio-political changes that took place in India and South Africa during the British…